Dark Sky Lighting Strategy, Revelstoke BC
Dark Sky Vision for BC Mountain Town
The City of Revelstoke in the Rocky Mountains of south-eastern BC has the ambition, documented in their 2009 OCP, to become a Dark Sky Friendly Community recognized by the International Dark Sky Association.
TBL was excited to work with Revelstoke on a Community Lighting Strategy document to guide decision-making towards a dark sky future. We looked at the community-wide scale and at available lighting technology to realize our ambition of selectively directing light in public space, rather than flooding it where it is not needed. We hope for brighter northern lights, healthier ecosystems, and improved lighting experience for residents.
It is rewarding to see the plan being executed on a site-by-site basis and that our landscape architectural design thinking contributes to community improvements beyond our traditional scope of work. The images below show existing conditions to be addressed in the strategy.
Image below: Photo courtesy of William Eaton (https://www.todayinbc.com/news/photo-northern-lights-over-revelstoke/)